2024 Rabbit & Cavy Skillathon Study Guide
Posted: Jul 7, 2024
Click the link below for your 2024 Rabbit/Cavy Study Guide!
2024 Junior Fair Livestock Project Rules
Posted: Mar 13, 2024
2024 Junior Fair Livestock Project Rules
Access your 2024 Junior Fair Livestock Project Here:
Beef Project Rules:
Dairy Project Rules:
Market & Dairy Goat Project Rules:
Horse Project Rules:
Poultry Project Rules:
Pygmy Goat Project Rules:
Rabbit & Cavy Project Rules:
Sheep Project Rules:
Swine Project Rules:
Goat Committee Essay
Posted: Feb 7, 2024
2024 Stark County Jr Jair- Dairy & Market Goat Committee Essay Contest
🐐🐐*****Goat Committee Essay Contest*****🐐🐐
Our committee is excited to announce we will be offering our essay contest again this year! We
are excited to offer this opportunity for our 4-h members to win a scholarship for up to $300
towards their 4-h project! The 4-h member is required to write an essay. Essay rules will be
listed below.
This year we will be awarding a scholarship up to $300 towards the purchase of a goat.
This goat must be entered in one of the following projects: dairy breeding, meat
breeding, dairy market wether, meat market, pack or harness goat. We would like to
encourage our essay winner to purchase from a Stark County Breeder! This opportunity
is available to 1st and 2nd year goat project members.
Essay Rules:
- Essay must contain why the exhibitor would like to take a goat project as well as what
housing and feeding arrangements they will have.
- Essay must also contain the child’s name, phone number, 4-H club, number of years in
4-H, previous projects taken, and any other information that is important/interesting. Be
creative! The essay may be hand-written or typed and feel free to include artwork or
- Parents/Guardians must sign the bottom of the essay confirming that they would be able
to receive the goat, take care of it properly as far as housing requirements, etc. and they
agree to oversee the project. The child is responsible to complete the project by
attending QA, skill-a-thon, and exhibiting the goat at the 2024 Stark County Fair.
- Our committee is looking for an individual who shows enthusiasm and interest in owning
and raising a new project and who is able to provide proper care and adequate housing
for a goat project.
Essays are due by March 1st, 2024. The committee will be meeting in early February and the
winner will be notified by phone. Essays can be submitted by email to: You may also mail your essay to: Katie Shaffer, Stark County
Goat Committee, 5067 Pigeon Run Rd SW, Navarre, OH 44662.
Questions? Call Katie Shaffer @ 330-204-2813
2023 Buyers Check Pickup
Posted: Oct 8, 2023
Please mark your calendars and share with your club members!
Volunteers needed - many hands make light work! :)
See you all soon!
How to Become a Volunteer
Posted: Sep 14, 2023
How do I become a Junior Fair Volunteer?
Step One: Check it out...attend a meeting or function...ask around.
Step Two: Fill out the application. We just want to know a little more about you! What makes you tick? What interests you about this program? Where do you think that you could contribute within the program?
Step Three: Junior Fair Committee Review with Senior Fair Department Heads
Step Four: Approval from the Committee you are applying to...
Step Five: BCI Check
Step Six: Hit the ground running! Have fun and set the example for our youth!
SCJF Advertising Options
Posted: Apr 14, 2023
2023 Stark County Junior Fair Market Livestock Advertising Program
If you've ever wondered how to get involved - here is a great opportunity to support these hard working kids!
4H Advisors
Posted: Aug 7, 2019
Your Play-by-Play Guide to 4-H Club Management and Positive Youth Development
- 4H Advisor Enrollment Form
- 4H Advisor Handbook (pdf) – Online version at – Tip Sheet at
- 4-H Pledge
- Eight Key Elements to a Successful 4-H Club
- Evaluate How Your 4-H Club Is Doing? Suggestions to Follow
- 4-H Officers and Duties
- 4-H Permission Form Samples & Suggestions
- Sample 4-H Club Constitution & By Laws
- Managing Your 4-H Club Finances
As a condition of being a part of 4-H, the Ohio State University Extension requires that all 4-H clubs, 4-H affiliates, federations, and councils maintain their own Tax Payer Identification Number (TIN, also known as EIN). Previous national 4-H group exemptions under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code will be extinguished. All 4-H clubs, 4-H affiliates, federations and councils that were part of a previous national 4-H group exemption must maintain their tax-exempt status through the University’s group exemption. Existing Stark County 4-H Clubs who have submitted their EIN number to the office have completed this requirement. New 4-H Clubs must secure their EIN number.
- Letter from OSUE, Ohio 4-H Director
- Step by Step Guide to Apply for EIN On-Line
- 4-H Group Exemption Authorization Form – * New 4-H Clubs * After securing your EIN for your 4-H Club, please complete this form and return to the OSUE, Stark County Office, 2650 Richville Drive SE Suite 100, Massillon, Ohio 44646.
- 4-H Club Annual Financial Report – Due January 31, annually to OSUE, Stark County Extension Office, email, 330-830-7720 FAX or US Mail, 2650 Richville DR SE; ST 100, Massillon, OH 44646
Each 4-H Club MUST submit an annual e-postcard report online to the IRS by May 15, annually
Organization 4H Advisor MUST print off a record that you completed the report or if fails, you attempted to complete report. Keep in your records in case needed.
Please direct any questions to David Crawford, 330-830-7700 ext. 115 or
This I Believe about 4-H Youth…
It’s not only what we know, but what we believe, that determines what we do.
- The 4-H members are more important than the project.
- 4-H is not trying to replace the home, the church, or the school – only supplement them.
- 4-H’ers should be their own best exhibits.
- No 4-H award is worth sacrificing the reputation of the 4-H member or volunteer.
- Competition is a natural human trait and should be recognized as such in 4-H club work. It should be given no more emphasis than other fundamentals in 4-H.
- Learning how to do the project is more important than the project itself.
- Many things are caught rather than taught.
- A blue ribbon 4-H member with a red ribbon pig is more desirable than a red ribbon member with a blue ribbon pig.
- That “learning by doing” is fundamental in any sound educational program and characteristic of the 4-H program.
- Generally speaking, there is more than one good way of doing most things.
- Every 4-H member needs to be noticed, to be important, to achieve and to be praised.
- Our job is to teach 4-H members how to think, not what to think.
Source: Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Conference Brochure-2005
Ohio State University Extension embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or veteran status. This statement is in accordance with United States Civil Rights Laws and the USDA.
Keith L. Smith, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Director, Ohio State University Extension, TDD No. 800-589-8292 (Ohio only) or 614-292-1868
4H Cloverbud Program
Posted: Aug 7, 2019
Cloverbuds are children who explore areas of healthy lifestyle, earth/environment, citizenship, plants and animals, consumerism and Family Science, science and technology, personal development, and community expressive arts.
The primary goal of the Cloverbud progam is to promote children’s healthy development – mentally, physically, socially and emotionally.
The Cloverbuds program provides an excellent opportunity for children to reach his or her highest potential because early life experiences, even subtle ones, affect future development.
The Cloverbud program is developmentally-age appropriate, therefore it is:
- fun
- leader directed
- activity based
- non-competitive
- success oriented
- group-centered learning
- many types of activities
- positive
The Cloverbud program allows for and encourages creativity and play.
The Goals of Ohio’s Cloverbud program are for children to develop:
- Self-understanding skills (self esteem)
- Social interaction skills (getting along with others)
- Decision making skills
- Learning skills (learning how to learn)
- Mastering physical skills
Children possessing these life skills are less likely to have problems with drug use, school failure, delinquency, and depression later in life.
Visit our Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Web Site.
Check out the latest Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Connection Issue.